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Financially Naked

Aug 25, 2020

Every try to do something on the cheap and it ends up costing you more money and a headache?? 

Hannah Rounds, a FinGym client talks to host Emily Egan about the costly mistakes she's made while trying to live frugally and tips she has to save now once looking back. 

Hannah talks about: 

  • Construction on their...

Aug 18, 2020

Even in a time like we're in now, there are people who want to give, people who want to receive, and a lot of solutions to be found.

Having the right network positions you to succeed and a lot of us have become very solitary. Your network is your net worth financially and for your happiness. 

Amy Ogden is a professional...

Aug 11, 2020

Michelle and Luke are Financial Gym clients and the hosts of today's episode to talk about working for yourself. 

Michelle is an entrepreneur and the founder of When I Grow Up Coach. Luke is a freelance writer. Michelle and Luke talk about the similarities and differences between freelancers and entreprenuers; their...

Aug 4, 2020

When Financial Trainer Ornella started with The Gym in December 2019, she was also in the midst of opening a new restaurant, Mzizi Afro-Caribbean Eats, in Newark, New Jersey. 

Ornella talks to our host, Emily, about the work and finances of opening a restaurant and the hard decisions she had to make in light of...