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Financially Naked

Mar 10, 2020

On this episode of Financially Naked: Stories from The Financial Gym, our host is Victoria, Level 3 Trainer, in Boston. She is going to discuss your goals versus expectations of other people and how that affects the major money decisions you make.

Podcast Notes

  • Victoria sees plenty of clients that make really big money choices based on other people’s expectations of them and not based on their own goals. This may mean that clients are going into debt to fulfill an expectation of a parent, sibling, friend, etc. It is usually not even something they want to do. 
  • Victoria came up with the top three goals she sees from clients, and when they dig a little deeper many find that these are goals are ones they feel they “should” accomplish. More often than not, these goals are pricey and have a major affect on their finances.
  • During the first session, the naked session, one of the questions is, “What are your goals?”. One thing Victoria is looking for is the word “should”. That is the first clue a client is trying to live out expectations of other people.
  • If you find yourself thinking you “should” reach a certain goal, ask yourself, Says who? Who says you should do that? Do you agree? If not, why are you working toward that goal?
